Tuesday, May 12, 2009

mission statement

"WxTxFx?" - machine gun romantics

YFBFS operates under the assumption that most people who make and write about records couldn't tell mediocrity if it made them bite the curb.

on all purveyors of crooning, wanking, freak-folking boredom, YFBFS calls shenanigans.

"Indeed, the similar-sounding "Wild Bore" and "Sex" might as well be one song, and the distinction between neighboring tracks "On the Rise" and "Beat the Rush" doesn't really exist. That's a problem on a record this short, and generally speaking,We Be Xuxa would benefit from more genre variety. Ironically, when the band does occasionally fiddle with other styles-- notably on the very convincing no-wave boogie of "Totion" and their cover of the Urinals' "Sex"-- they produce some of the record's most memorable material. Something tells me, though, that Mika Miko aren't really that interested in deeper genre explorations or crafting a grand concept piece. They're about turning kids onto punk rock at sweat-soaked backyard parties, and that's pretty cool too."
-Joe Colly, pitchfork.com review of Mika Miko, "We Be Xuxa"

For his flagrant attempt to, according to the pitiful standards of the medio-crat, render similarity and brevity as condemnable qualities, rather than badges of honor, YFBFS humbly suggests that Mr. Colly fiddle with other styles of employment.


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